Diamond Open Access, also known as Platinum Open Access, represents a publishing model where both the authors and the readers do not incur any charges. This model is entirely free for all parties involved, supported by funding from institutions, organizations, or other sources, ensuring that the financial burden of publishing is not placed on authors or readers.

Key Features of Diamond/Platinum Open Access
No Fees for Authors and Readers: In the Diamond Open Access model, there are no article processing charges (APCs), submission fees, or subscription fees. Authors can publish their research without any financial barriers, and readers can access the content freely.

Institutional Support: The cost of publishing in Diamond Open Access journals is typically covered by academic institutions, research organizations, government grants, or non-profit entities. This support allows for the sustainability of the journal without transferring costs to authors or readers. In Our case, this support is provided by the Publisher: Shodh Sagar.

Enhanced Accessibility and Dissemination: By removing financial barriers, Diamond Open Access ensures that research is accessible to a global audience, including those who may not have the resources to pay for access or publication fees. This promotes wider dissemination and impact of scholarly work.

Quality and Integrity: Diamond Open Access journals maintain rigorous peer review processes and uphold high standards of academic quality. The absence of fees does not compromise the integrity or quality of the published research.

Ethical Publishing Practices: This model aligns with ethical publishing practices by promoting inclusivity and accessibility. It supports the principle that knowledge should be freely accessible to all, regardless of financial capabilities.

Shodh Sagar Journal of Commerce and Economics and Diamond Open Access
The Shodh Sagar Journal of Commerce and Economics operates under the Diamond Open Access model. This commitment to free access for authors and readers is supported by institutional funding and our dedication to promoting the free exchange of knowledge.

No Article Processing Charges (APCs): Authors can submit and publish their research without incurring any costs.
Free Access for All: Readers can freely access and download all published articles without any subscription or payment.

By adopting the Diamond Open Access model, the Shodh Sagar Journal of Commerce and Economics strives to enhance the visibility, accessibility, and impact of research in commerce and economics, fostering a more inclusive and equitable academic environment.

Shodh Sagar Journal of Commerce and Economics