The Rise of Mobile Commerce: Trends, Strategies, and Implications for Retailers

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Rahul KR Srivastva


The proliferation of mobile devices and the ubiquity of internet connectivity have led to the rapid growth of mobile commerce (m-commerce) in recent years. the trends, strategies, and implications of the rise of m-commerce for retailers. The rise of m-commerce has fundamentally transformed the retail landscape, offering consumers unprecedented convenience, flexibility, and accessibility to shop anytime, anywhere, using their smartphones and tablets. the key trends driving the growth of m-commerce, including the increasing adoption of mobile devices, the rise of mobile apps and social commerce, and the shift towards mobile-first and omnichannel retailing strategies.

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How to Cite
Srivastva, R. K. (2024). The Rise of Mobile Commerce: Trends, Strategies, and Implications for Retailers. Shodh Sagar Journal of Commerce and Economics, 1(1), 40–45.
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